


    Shuruudaha waqtiga-gaaban iyo natiijooyinka deg-degga 1 Kulankii = 30 daqiiqo. / Aagga Daweynta 2 kalfadhiyada / usbuuc wadarta 4 kalfadhi ahaan sida koorsada.

  • Medici Meusin Membept 4 & 6 gacanta gacanta emsliamm neo rf smuscle ems Jirka Product
  • Soogalootiga cusub! Sicirka mashiinka ee mashiinka EMS EMS murqaha muruqyada jirka ee mashiinka mashiinka ah / ems rf electromagnetic

    Soogalootiga cusub! Sicirka mashiinka ee mashiinka EMS EMS murqaha muruqyada jirka ee mashiinka mashiinka ah / ems rf electromagnetic

    In the ever-changing world of plastic surgery and dermatology, there's no shortage of treatments available for those looking to shed fat and sculpt their bodies. Laakiin Exsculpt, FDA-nadiifinta jirka ee aan qalliinka ahayn Daaweynta 'Menbac' oo ah daweyntii ugu horreysay ee ku dhacday goobta 2018, waxay ku jirtaa horyaal kaligiis ah.

    Emsculpt waxaa lagu yaqaanaa muruqkeeda cajiibka ah ee tonclers-ka iyo guryaha gubashada-gubashada - iyo daaweynta aan walxaha ka go'in waxay u baahan tahay eber hoos dambe kadib. Laakiin muxuu saxeexan aaladdan ugu badan? Waxaan la tashanay koox khubaro ah si ay u ogaadaan. We spoke with Dr. Arash Akhavan of the Dermatology and Laser Group, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, the Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist and Founder of PFRANKMD, and Adriana Martino, the owner of SKINNEY MedSpa, to learn about the technology behind Emsculpt, find out who is a good candidate for treatment, and how patients can maximize their results after the procedure.

  • Iibka 2022 kulul kulul

    Iibka 2022 kulul kulul

    2022 prexsinical-ka ayaa miisaankiisu yahay 5-ta gacanta ee Stro qabow jirka Jidhka Cool Sculolipolopoloyse 360 ​​mashiinka cyrolipolysis-ka Waa maxay 360 crolipolysis? 360-degree full range of cooling and heating, freezing at minus 10℃ to positive 45℃ heating, 4 groups cycle modes for operation,parameters can be set flexibly; 8 PC-yada SIZES SIZESS Helols Cors waxay ku habboon yihiin meelo kaladuwan iyo qaabka jirka. Daaweynta Degdega ah - oo ay sabab u tahay lahaanshaha laba gacmood oo gacanta ah iyo 360 darajo qaboojiyaha waqtiga daweynta ayaa ku kala duwan sida 4 ... ...
  • CE Riolipolisis Cunceel Cliolipolis Cool Coknrac StaChoval StaChoval Stach 4 ayaa gacanta ku haya mashiinka qaboojinta ee mashiinka jilicsan ee jirka

    CE Riolipolisis Cunceel Cliolipolis Cool Coknrac StaChoval StaChoval Stach 4 ayaa gacanta ku haya mashiinka qaboojinta ee mashiinka jilicsan ee jirka

    Qaboojiyeyaasha, ama croliolipolysis, waa dawooyin isku qurxiyo oo ka dhoofaya dufanka xad dhaafka ah ee aagagga madax adag. Waxay ku shaqaysaa qaboojinta unugyada baruurta, dilka iyo jebinta hawsha.

  • Ka saarida indhaha ee 'retrasa'

    Ka saarida indhaha ee 'retrasa'

    Setup Interface Introduction Handle Two(Facial therapy interface introduction) Facial Therapy Interface Introduction Double Energy To Sculpture Body The patented technology of BTL-6000 Exilis, Through the parallel RF and advanced fully regulated skin cooling system, to control deep tissue heating. 1. The Energy Flow Control System (EFC) guarantees maximum safety. 2. The most advanced thermoelectric cooling system – laser control the depth of the treatment Radio soo noqnoqda ...
  • BTL Vanquish Jidhka jirka oo qaabeeya mashiinka dhimista baruurta ee aan lala xiriirin

    BTL Vanquish Jidhka jirka oo qaabeeya mashiinka dhimista baruurta ee aan lala xiriirin

    Qalabka ugu horreeya ee la xidhiidha iyo aaladda farshaxanka jirka ee bilaashka ah ee suuqa. Waxaa loo isticmaali karaa in lagu daaweeyo caloosha iyo lumbar neumblass hal mar iyadoon la isticmaalin noocyo badan oo tijaabo ah, oo ay qaadato oo keliya 30 daqiiqo markiiba. Since the treatment is non-contact , the device does not directly contact the patient , thereby significantly reducing the risk of potential side effects resulting from contact between the probe and the skin tissue layer.

  • 2022 Truera Trusculpt id Denopolar rf Jidhka rf ee jirka ayaa garaacaya 2mhz cellsit-ka oo loo yaqaan 'plutpult'

    2022 Truera Trusculpt id Denopolar rf Jidhka rf ee jirka ayaa garaacaya 2mhz cellsit-ka oo loo yaqaan 'plutpult'

    Mabda 'shaqo oo qalabka mashiinka ah ee mashiinka Trusculpt

    Hot Sculpting uses mono polar radio frequency (RF) deep heating as its core technology, using controlled mono polar radio frequency (RF) technology to provide targeted heating to large and small areas without damaging the skin.The fat and dermis are heated to 43-45°C through radio frequency devices of different shapes, which continuously generates heat and burns fat cells, making them inactive and apoptotic. Dhowr toddobaad ka dib dhowr bilood oo daaweyn ah, unugyada dufanka leh ee apopotic-ka ayaa dhex mari doona jirka. Gradually metabolically excreted, the remaining fat cells are rearranged and compressed, and the fat layer is gradually thinned, reducing the fat by an average of 24-27%. At the same time, the heat can stimulate the regeneration of collagen in the dermis, the elastic fibers naturally produce immediate contraction and tightening, and repair the connective tissue, so as to achieve the effect of dissolving fat and sculpting the body, tightening the cheeks and eliminating the double chin.

  • Tooska 4-aad ee Tooska ah ee Warshadda Tayada Sare u Iibida Warshadaha Sare ee Bilaadda Dufanka Burburinta

    Tooska 4-aad ee Tooska ah ee Warshadda Tayada Sare u Iibida Warshadaha Sare ee Bilaadda Dufanka Burburinta

    Emsculpt Neo waa jidhka jidhka oo aan xumeyn oo lagu daaweeyo oo lagu sameeyo taxane isku-darka 30 daqiiqo ah.

    Emsculpt Neo waxay qaadataa Emsculpt asalka ah, kaas oo kaliya ka kooban murqaha murqaha, wuxuuna ku darayaa hoos udhaca dufanka iyo kor u qaadidda maqaarka.

    Emsculpt Neo waxay qaadataa Emsculpt-ka caanka ah waxayna u geyneysaa heerka ku xiga ee natiijooyinka la hagaajiyay iyo qanacsanaanta bukaanka sare.